However, over time, or at least when Amiga failed as a computing concept, Apple became the creative system to use. It was also behind in creative software as Amiga had EA’s DeluxePaint. The original Mac was monochrome and could not compete with it in multitasking or graphics. However, the Amiga in a way, or at least it seems to me, paved the way for 90s-and-up Apple. I am also a fan of the Amiga even though I never experienced it when it was at its heigth or when it originally debuted as a I was just a child in the 1980s. This is one facet that separates it from Microsoft up to this very day, even though most apps or software are available cross-platform.

The Mac in the 80s and early 90s became synonymous with publishing and later graphic design, which in many ways is tied with Adobe’s dominance in this field. Anyone who owns an Apple product, or in the case of many of us: many products, may be familiar with Adobe graphic design and creative suites.