The final fight scene is one of my favorites from the series.

It was great to show how their relationship from brother in arms to rivals was great. The next thing that was great was the relationship between Oliver and Slade. It's a pity that after this season she would often be forgotten about, when she should be one of the most important characters due to who she is in the comics. This was defiantly highlighted when Laurel finally wielded Oliver's bow made her look like a bad-ass, and she redeemed her character. The one conversation from Oliver is what ultimately put her on the path to redemption. She fell into the gutter, she became an abuser of alcohol and drugs, and everyone tried to get through to her rationally but in the end what did it, it was a stern talk from Oliver. The drinking and drug abuse storyline was good, while watching it week in and week out, she was a very bad character, but when you look at it from a season perspective her development was a masterstroke. Laurel was very annoying in the first half of the season for obvious reasoning, her heel turn against the Arrow was understandable, but in the end, she realized the mistakes she was making.

Now my favorite of all of them is Laurel's arc. So, Season 2 had many great moments, but I like to focus on a few things, first being some of the character arcs. This was a great follow-up with more characters from the comics as well as the start of the Canary line. Well look at Arrow Season 2 for an example. How do you do a successful follow up of a well-received series.