Honda st1100 fork oil viscosity chart
Honda st1100 fork oil viscosity chart

honda st1100 fork oil viscosity chart

At 56 years of age I passed my cat A licence. But you can't put the bike down for that, it may not set your hair on fire but it's not meant to. Someone GPZ tuned the Kawa and the lower performance is quite marked. I've driven pretty long distance on the Kawa (800 miles return in one weekend) and the ride and handling far outclass that. Given the plug situation that was remarkable. It never lacked power, in fact up the A1 there was nothing I could not simply pass by a touch of the throttle. The bike was comfortable even over the 370 miles of the route I took.

honda st1100 fork oil viscosity chart

I bought this bike in Manchester and rode it straight back to FIFE that day. The brakes are light, positive and can really slow you down if needed. The brakes are ABS and it has TCS so I didn't expect there to be any surprises. As I said I have a GTR1000 and the 19l panniers make it like trying to get a barge through traffic. I can weave this bike through traffic like a 250 and it is also quite slim with the panniers on. As I stated above, the handling is light, crisp and very positive.

Honda st1100 fork oil viscosity chart