Design the system so that each residential unit receives a separate isolated notification appliance circuit (NAC) fed from the control module noted above.
Requires a 24VDC power circuit to the addressable control module. Requires a signaling line circuit (SLC) ran to each residential unit monitor module and control module. Requires one addressable control module for each residential unit. Requires at least one addressable monitor module for each residential unit. Remember to program the control module for latching upon general alarm activation and non-latching for the in-unit residential single and multiple station smoke alarms. This way the system can be programmed to activate the in-unit NAC control module upon general alarm (corridor, smoke detectors, elevator lobby smoke detectorss, manual pull stations, waterflow, etc.) or the addressable monitor module connected to the 120 VAC single and multiple station smoke alarms. To insure the low frequency notification appliances activate via general alarm in addition to in-unit smoke alarm activation, you would need an addressable control module to isolate each residential units notification appliance circuit (NAC). If these alarms activate, the fire alarm control unit (FACU) would receive a non-latching supervisory alarm without the activation of any occupant notification appliances. In these cases, the addressable monitor module is in lace to supervise the in room smoke alarms.
This has been done for quite some time in Group R-2 occupancies used for university dorms or specific design criteria such a Marriott's Module 14. To accomplish this an addressable monitor module could be connected to a contact on the residential unit smoke alarms.
This new 2021 code section 907. is requiring the single and multiple smoke alarms to sound these low frequency appliances. However, with a standard design in mind, these appliances will only activate via a general alarm signal. These should already be captured by your minimum code design. If this option is selected, you can utilize the wall or ceiling mounted 520 Hz low frequency notification appliances required by the 2021 IFC section 907. for occupant notification in group R-1 and and Group R-2 occupancies.